Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Hidup, Pilihan, dan Keputusan

"Setiap saat selalu ada (sedikitnya) dua pilihan yang muncul, dan hanya ada satu keputusan yang dibuat. Hidupmu adalah serangkaian keputusan itu."

Hal sederhana yang selalu diajarkan papa: keputusanmu akan menentukan langkahmu selanjutnya, seperti pohon yang bercabang-cabang.
Pilihan selalu ada, bahkan dari hal yang sederhana, waktu kita mulai buka mata di pagi hari. Dan hanya ada SATU keputusan yang dibuat.

Apakah kita memutuskan untuk bangun, atau menarik selimut lagi?
Apakah kita memutuskan untuk tetap di tempat tidur dengan gadget di tangan kita, atau beranjak untuk ambil wudhu?
Selesai sholat, apakah kita memutuskan untuk sejenak di tempat dan berdoa, atau langsung membereskan perlengkapannya?
Apakah kita memutuskan untuk berangkat kerja atau tetap di rumah?
Apakah kita memutuskan memilih hal yang baik dari yang buruk?
Bahkan ketika pilihan sama baiknya, kita pun tetap harus memutuskan, hal yang terbaik diantara yang baik.

Dan setiap keputusan, akan menentukan arah hidup kita.
Saat kita kecil, hanya pilihan-pilihan sederhana yang datang. Tidak sulit bagi seorang anak kecil untuk memilih dan memutuskan.
Saat kita mulai beranjak dewasa, pilihan-pilihan itu mulai rumit. Dan hidup menuntut kita untuk bijak memutuskan.
Keputusan yang dibuat tidak harus SELALU benar, karena kita tidak tahu seberapa rumit 'cabang-cabang' dalam hidup kita. Yang harus kita lakukan adalah, bagaimana untuk bisa memutuskan yang benar, setelah kita salah mengambil keputusan yang salah.

Oleh sebab itu, kita butuh bantuan. Kita butuh penolong. Kita tidak bisa sendiri.
Ya, kita butuh Tuhan. Sebab hanya Tuhan yang Maha Mengetahui, seluruh isi 'cabang' dalam hidup kita.
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu, pilihan mana lagi yang akan muncul setelah satu keputusan dibuat. Terutama saat pilihan sedang sama baiknya, atau bahkan sama buruknya, menurut kita.

Begitulah, keputusan itu akan menuntun kita. Setiap saat, sepanjang usia kita.
Sampai ada saatnya harus ada sebuah keputusan besar yang dibuat.
Dan aku hanya berharap keputusan-keputusan yang menjadikan hidupku baik. Walau tidak selalu benar.

I need You, dear ALLAH. Please stay close.
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Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

It's Monday..

First day of this week..
First day in August.
First day of Ramadhan (fasting month).
Also, first day I worked with extra time in this month..

Today was so hectic, but am still being excited. Yea, I don't really care of bunch of reports.
I've been prepared to face them for these upcoming days.
My boss gave me extra-'lessons', as he promised to me at the beginning.. He let some problems stuck with me, so I'd get it solved by myself.
I tried my best to do my own works, do all the routines, on time. He said, I would get something new by the time I finished all my daily tasks.
I never stop questioning, til he got tired. Then I laughed.
Yes, I'm living on my never ending curiosity. Giving up is not so me.

Here the quote I like the most:
"I have no special talents. I'm only passionately curious"
-Albert Einstein

I always believe that there is no person smarter than the others. What makes someone different is how long they have learned. Or how experienced they are.
I know it just my own belief. Maybe it's not true.
I just keep telling my self, and it makes my passion stay.
So, who cares?

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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

"kalau ngga bisa menghindar, ya dihadapi aja.." -neng yani


Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

I'm crying for no reason tonight. I turn to feel so blue.
I don't know why. Am I just worrying too much?

So, I decide to write something onto this blog. I know, it will gonna be random..
I hope it'll help, at least for myself. At least for my heart.

When my heart's going sad, I always told my bf. Actually, he dislikes to know me crying.. He hates to see me looks weak.
He always told me: "stay positive, please.. Keep telling yourself with something good."
And I know, he's good in it.
He never complained about his life.
He works so hard, and always do his best. Am so grateful, he spent his life for something good so far.. He's my man, with thousands spirit :)

But now, I don't want to tell him anything. He has a headache tonight. He might work too hard.
Yes, I start to worry about his health. Even a strong body has a limitation.
He doesn't reply, after I text him about an hour ago. I guess he has fallen asleep.
He must be so tired.

Ah, surprising! I feel so much better right now. And I'm thinking about what to do then..
Continue reading my book? It sounds good, til I fall asleep.

And thanks God, this pain has gone. :)

Goodnight universe.
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Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Hey, I'm Back! :D

I know it has been so long I didn't post anything on this page. I have no special reason for this. I might say that I was too busy since I got my first job. Well, it's too common, I think.

Yea, anything was changed for these couple months.

I remember, I was still being a job seeker on my two latest post before this. I was still confused about what kind of company I should apply for. And I also remember, that I wanted to be a banker at that time. But anything was changed.

Yes, I have been working in a company for about 11 months. Kind of automotive company. I was positioned as treasury (finance) staff. I've been learning much here, especially how to connect with people. So many people. I had taken some psychological test, and I got same results. My intelligence rate is always more than the average, but, I should learn so much more how to control my emotion, how to work with team, and how to make cooperation with people.

Soo, no doubt. Allah really knows the best for me. It's not about what kind of job I really want. It's about what I really need. Actually, I applied for an accounting staff, while it doesn't need extra-capability to interact with people. I just have to focus on bunch of reports. I will be valued by quality of reports I made if I work as accounting staff. People would not 'disturb' me much. I can imagine, my work-life will be so quiet. Of course, it's my best quality. Am good in it.

But, if I'm an accounting staff, I will learn nothing about life. I mean, I might know about accounting area much, or I might be expert in it. But how about negotiate with people? Make sure people understand about the rules? Still having good connection with other divisions, customers, suppliers, even when I know that my works might kill me anytime? Yeah of course, I would know nothing.

Yes, living in my current job as treasury is hectic. Everytime, everyday. Honestly, at first I didn't feel comfort at all. I couldn't enjoy this. My boss seems know me well. He knew, I'd get bored. No wonder, because my job desc was so simple. And I do such a routine, everyday. I feel like less challenged. Then, he promised me that it wouldn't be so long. He lets me learn something new, so long as I can control all my works. And also he promised us, that every staff in our division will be exchanged someday. So we will not get bored.

Well, having a new job also means having a chance to meet new friends. I was so glad to know them. Ah, did I tell you before that our office was a new branch? Yes, new branch with new people inside. Could you imagine that you had a first job, and your boss had just been promoted? And you were less trained? Yea, we didn't know how to get helped. It was so confusing. It was so funny. But I do love this togetherness. My office-mates were nice. They were great.

the picture was taken on soft-opening of our office, August 2010

Grand Opening, November 2010: but now, some of them has been resigned, and moved to other Branch.

Had some fun with office-mates

and the man with mask is: My Boss. lol

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

I hate my self when it turns to feel..so lost!
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